Cyber Security Basics
This screencast recording shows users step-by-step how to do a Ken Burns-like pan-and-zoom special effect using Adobe Premiere Pro. This effect brings motion and emphasis to still images. Learn More
Setting Up a Zoom Meeting
PowerPoint has been in use for decades but is still often used badly. This deck was developed to point out the worst practices and recommend alternatives. Learn More
Multifactor Authentication
This screencast recording shows users step-by-step how to do a Ken Burns-like pan-and-zoom special effect using Adobe Premiere Pro. This effect brings motion and emphasis to still images. Learn More
Bad PowerPoint
PowerPoint has been in use for decades but is still often used badly. This deck was developed to point out the worst practices and recommend alternatives. Learn More
Panning and Zooming in
Adobe Premiere Pro
This screencast recording shows users step-by-step how to do a Ken Burns-like pan-and-zoom special effect using Adobe Premiere Pro. This effect brings motion and emphasis to still images. Learn More
Bad PowerPoint
PowerPoint has been in use for decades but is still often used badly. This deck was developed to point out the worst practices and recommend alternatives. Learn More
Corrective Action:
Tips & Pitfalls
This microlearning was part of a four-part video series on Corrective Action that I created for supervisors at all levels. This is the third part in the series, following an overview of the process, proper documentation, and coming before the session on terminations. (COMING SOON)
Heart Sounds Inservice
Demo lesson created according to specifications provided by a large healthcare provider. This Course was created in Captivate to introduce new members of the nursing staff to common issues in cardiology. (COMING SOON)
Developing a Winning Volunteer Team
From corporation to non-profits, there are always situations that require the services of volunteers: a charity event, an athletic competition, a social outing. This presentation will help you recruit, recognize, and retain your valuable volunteers. (COMING SOON)
Here’s the Ticket: Gift Policies
Mojit has been offered a ticket to a special event by a vendor he works with regularly. Can he accept? This lesson created in Captivate reviews the finer points of corporate gift policies. (COMING SOON)
Interactive Company Timeline
I suggested an interactive timeline as part of our virtual onboarding implementation. Using the TikiToki platform allowed us to present key events from the company history as well as important milestones as they happened during the 3 years the timeline was maintained, up through the company’s go-private initiative in late 2018. (COMING SOON)