Multifactor Authentication


The IT Department instituted multifactor authentication to better secure the network and online resources and requested training as part of the rollout.


The new security would require people to install the Microsoft Authenticator app on their cell phones.

Everyone in the IT Department was required to assist with the installation and configuration of the new system.

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Multifactor Authentication Intro video


I created a brief explainer animation with the Toonly app to accompany the adoption of Microsoft Authenticator. I chose a cartoon-like format to produce something both engaging and non-threatening.

I learned to use Authenticator and documented the processes. Then I wrote a script using my PowerPoint template. The script was approved. I recorded the narration and edited it in Audacity. I then imported the audio into Toonly and created the video. Toonly offers diverse characters which is one advantage to its use.


The Authenticator video helped explain the implementation and need for the software and allowed the IT staff to concentrate on the actual installation. The video continues to be used as part of new hire onboarding.

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