Facing Our Leadership Challenges


Groups that rely heavily on volunteers face the challenge of recruiting new leaders, maintaining existing ones, and providing people with the opportunity to step away from leadership.


Presenting a complex situation without ready solutions to a diverse audience.

Using characters in the presentation that resemble the audience.

Encouraging conversation and innovation.

Leadership Challenges

Click below to view the project files:

Facing Our Leadership Challenges


This video grew out of reading and research into creating community and providing adequate leadership . The first manifestation was an essay which formed the basis for the video.

I chose Toonly as the creation tool because of its variety of characters and the ease of creating new sets and backgrounds for actors.

I recorded and edited the narration in Audacity. I created numerous backgrounds that matched the style of the stock Toonly backgrounds.


The video has been used with a number of volunteer groups to help them identify opportunities for development.

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